
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How Much Sleep Does a Person Need?

The short answer: adults need 6 to 9 hours per night. Around 7 to 7.5 hours of actual sleep (not counting time falling asleep and getting out bed) appears to be optimal for most people.
The long answer: it depends. The amount of sleep each person needs depends on many factors, including age, health, recent physical exertion, and mental activity. There is genetic influence, too. Some people just need more sleep than others and this runs in families.

Average Amount of Sleep by Age

Infants under 1 year16 to 20 hours
1-2 years old14 hours
3-4 years old12 hours
5-12 years old10 hours
13-19 years old9 hours
Adults & seniors7 to 8 hours

Weight loss Tips

Start your day with a glass or two of plain water. Research has proven that drinking water first thing in the morning helps jump start your metabolism and helps remove toxins from your body. Also, if you want a drink then make it water as water is a drink and has no calories. Drinking plain water also helps in controlling hunger and prevents you from eating unnecessary calories. Switch to water or green tea and feel the difference within a day.Read to know more green tea to lose weight.

Did you know: that 5-minute walk taken shortly after each meal can improve daily blood sugar levels to a greater extent than a single 45-minute walk in the morning.Researchers say that a post-meal stroll helps clear glucose from the bloodstream in part because more of it is taken up by the muscles. Next time post your meal skip the couch and go for a short walk.
By far one of the most effective exercises to burn calories. If you don’t have enough time, patience or equipment, just get on the floor with simple push-ups and squats. Push-ups and squats require only 15 minutes of your time and the results will make it look like you have been spending some serious time sweating in the gym. Both are fantastic exercises to burn fat, tone arms and legs in no time.

Go easy on the salty snacks, like namkeen, chips, high sodium pickles, pretzels and processed foods that are high in sodium. Extra salt is added as a preservative in such foods.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Health & Fitness

8 Tips for Back Pain Relief:

Sometimes all it takes is bending over to pick up a pen from the floor for back pain to strike. Fortunately, most of the time back pain is short term and goes away on its own. But if you experience chronic back pain, you may benefit from making certain everyday adjustments.
In fact, lifestyle has the biggest influence on back pain, and healthy habits such as a good diet, exercising, stretching, and posture can give you back pain relief or help you prevent future problems.
Make these steps part of your back pain treatment plan:

1.Maintain a healthy weight.
2.Keep your back muscles strong.
3.Stretch your muscles. 
4.Focus on good posture. 
5.Lift properly. 
6.Leave your purse at home.
7.Practice stress relief for back pain relief.
8.Sleep well.

Living a healthy lifestyle that's full of exercise and taking some care to have a healthy back can help you live free of chronic back pain.